Citizens must have ready access to news and information to make responsible informed
choices as voters and to carry out their other duties of citizenship.
choices as voters and to carry out their other duties of citizenship.
Green Party Solutions:
A. Return ownership and control of the electromagnetic spectrum to the public.
We urge the public to reclaim the airwaves. The privatization of the broadcast
airwaves, one of our most important taxpayer assets, has caused serious
deformations of our politics and culture. End the privatization of broadcast
frequencies and reserve them for the creation of new not-for-profit community
broadcasters around the country and for broadband and WiFi networks owned
and operated by cities, counties and towns which want to deliver this vital tool
to their people at reasonable cost. Enact tough new anti-trust laws for the media,
carve up the big media conglomerates, and follow up with vigorous antitrust
B. End commercial broadcasters' free licensed use of the public airwaves. Require
market-priced leasing of any commercial use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Revenues derived from these license fees should be used to fund the operation
of community media. Tax electronic advertising to fund democratic media outlets.
C. Reinstate and strengthen the Fairness Doctrine, to require that holders of broadcast
licenses present controversial issues of public importance in an equitable and
balanced manner.
Establish substantial public interest obligations for broadcasters and hold them
accountable, and revoke licenses from outlets that fail to satisfy these obligations.
Support Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) Access Television to ensure
that citizens and community organizations have the opportunity to create and present
their own programming on cable television.
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