Ecological Sustainability

Ocean protection

Our oceans, with their enormous diversity of life and function, are essential to life on Earth and must be preserved and protected.
Our oceans are threatened by climate change, pollution, whaling, and overfishing. Simple, strong policy changes can rejuvenate the health of our oceans and planet to a better state than there current.


  1. Protect 40% of the world's oceans as marine preserves, especially near shore coastal habitats.
  2. Require secondary treatment of waste effluent before release.
  3. Ban ocean transportation of nuclear and toxic waste.
  4. Ban sonar testing in the oceans.
  5. Support the ban on international commercial whaling as well as other international efforts to protect endangered marine species.
  6. Ban drift-net fishing and long-line fishing and phase out factory trawling to help prevent overfishing
  7. Map undersea toxic dump sites, and investigate methods of rendering them harmless to prevent further damage.
  8. Ban the importation of fish and fish products caught by drift-nets and other illegal means to help deter overfishing
  9. Ban the importation of coral products and the destruction of breakwaters.
  10. Support the Law of the Sea Treaty that establishes the global sharing of ocean resources.
  11. Support complete cleanup of existing and past oil spills. Cost of cleanups and compensation for affected communities should be paid by the corporations responsible for the spills.

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